KBE Communications Officer – CALL FOR ASSISTANCE:
- Personal history/stories (1991-2024) from Aahsaopi Elementary School
- Personal history/stories (Prior to 1991) from “old” Levern School
- Photos (Prior to 1991) of “old” Levern School
FYI: “old” Levern School was located at the west end of Issoitapi Community
Oki Kainai!
History is being made again for Kainai Board of Education as the NEW Issoitapi Elementary School - KBE, formerly Aahsaopi Elementary School, opens and operates in September 2024 for the 2024-2025 School Year!
As the KBE Communications Officer, Christine Piikitstakiakii Goodstriker, I am humbly asking for your assistance with personal stories/timelines and photos on all Issoitapi Elementary Schools. The primary function of my position “is responsible for establishing and facilitating internal and external communication to maintain a positive perception for KBE”. Our oral history and personal photos are so important for our students and community, now and for generations to come. I appreciate all your help for our Kainai community! I aim to collect and publish what I can before the Grand Opening of the new school, date to be announced soon. May 3 and July 30, 2024, I was invited to tour the new infrastructure. I personally thank Blair Russell, Communications Officer and his team at Blood Tribe Communications & Community Engagement for always supporting me with KBE! I’ve included my personal story for reference.
Aahsaopi Elementary School, formerly Levern School, was the second school built in Issoitapi, Levern Community after band control of education-1988. Aahsaopi Elementary School compassionately educated their students from September 1991 – June 2024. KBE is excited to provide their new 21st Century Learning space as the third school built in Issoitapi Community for our KBE Students, Staff and our Kainai Community!
May 17, 2022 – Ground-Breaking Ceremony. Cam Shade, KBE Superintendent states “Recent assessment projected substantial growth in the community, meaning a new, larger school is also needed to accommodate the growing population of young people. We’re building it for longevity and really taking into account the population explosion we’re going to see here.” (Global News)
June 26, 2024, Candace Shade, KBE Family Support Liaison Counselor, captured a memorable photo of "Our official last Staff & Student Photo of 23-24 SY" to end the 2023-2024 School Year. Mrs. Shade, an employee with KBE since 2014 states “My biggest excitement is to finally have my very own office & our very own CAFETERIA. Something our students deserve 100x over. I’m excited for the littles to return and see the looks on their precious faces that they have their very own new school”.
My story:
~I worked at Aahsaopi Elementary School from 2001-2004, within KBE from 2001-2010. My four children; Tyson, Jagger, Jarrett and Karli, all graduated from Aahsaopi Elementary School before moving on to Tatsikiisaapo’p Middle School.
~I sat on the Parent Advisory Committee (PAC), Aahsaopi Elementary School for four years, between 2011-2016. During that time, we discussed the possibility of getting a new school. I sat on KBE Board of Directors from 2019-2021, the possibility of getting a new school, was in the making. I’m extremely excited that time has come for our KBE students and long-time employees of Levern/ Issoitapi Elementary Schools!
~When I was in Grade 6/7, I would go to work with my auntie at the old Levern School and help her with her elementary aged students. I would read with them, and I would make photocopies for her, using an original mimeograph machine! (This is an old hand-operated wheel turning photocopier, before our modern photocopiers and printers!)
KBE Communications Officer, Christine Piikitstakiakii Goodstriker