KBE Board of Directors


The Kainai Board of Education (KBE) may create any Committee which, in its sole discretion,

may be required. The members of any Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors

and shall exercise only such powers as are determined by the Board. An appointed member

shall serve on the Committee for approximately one (1) year unless they are unable to perform

the duties assigned or replaced by a subsequent appointment.

Executive Committee

The Board Executive Committee is made up of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary

and the Treasurer and it has responsibility for providing overall Board leadership. All additional

Board Committee's shall have an Executive KBE Director assigned to them on an ongoing basis.


Dr. Mike Bruised Head Ninna Piiksi

KBE Board Chair | PAC Chair-Tatsikiisaapo'p Middle School

Charlene Bruised Head-Mountain Horse I'kitstakiaakii

Vice Chair | Member At Large

Joyce Mountain Horse

Joyce Mountain Horse Natoy tsis k kommaki

Secretary | PAC Chair-Saipoyi Community School

Isabelle Black Plume

PAC Chair-Kainai High School

Christina Fox Iitsisaanoowa

Member At Large

Robert Healy

PAD Chair-Issoitapi Elementary School

Beth Day Chief Awaksipista’kii

Kainaiwa Blood Tribe Chief and Council Representative


Clarence Black Water Aakaota’si

Kainaiwa Blood Tribe Chief and Council Representative
